lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012


So last night I met up with Nicole, Kimby, and Sarah and went to O'Neill's for the SuperBowl.  The place was packed.  They sold 300 tickets, and while the bar has both an upstairs and a downstairs, it was wayyy too crowded.  We got their about a half hour before the game, and there was no where to sit.  Downstairs was where the party we bought tickets for was.  It was packed.  Their was bench-type seating all around the wall, maybe four tables in the middle, and then a bunch of people standing around the sides and in front of the bar.  We grabbed the last piece of the bench, because it was under the TV-the only TV- so no one else wanted to sit there.  My friends ended up sitting on the floor, but I was able to see the TV so I stayed on the bench.  We got free beer, but it was a pain to get, and the cups were tiny.  They gave out free hot dogs at half time- the skinniest little hot dogs I've ever seen.  But, I had two, because.. the kitchen was closed so I didn't get my buffalo chicken!!! So lame.  Most of the people who were there we Giants fans.  One girl we were with was so obnoxious I really wanted to hit her in the face.  She was like "OMG I'm gonna cryyyy".  She kept standing up and getting in my way.  She was seriously annoying.  Needless to say I didn't care to see her and the rest of the Giants fans celebrate, so we ran out as soon as it was over.  Got home around 5. Skyped my boyfriend because he really needed me during this tough time.  So I ended up going to sleep around 6:30, and had to be up at 10.  It was rough.  Got up about 15 minutes before class.  Thank God I only live five minutes away or I have a feeling I'd never make it.  My first class was the cooking one.  Kirsten and Michelle are both in this class as well.  The teacher was very nice and she was pretty funny.  We introduced ourselves and went over the syllabus.  This took a long time as the class is big, about 27 students I think, and because we went over every detail of the syllabus.  For this class we're going to be learning about Spanish food and the Mediterranean diet.  While we will not actually be cooking, we will have several classes where we taste test different foods, including, olive oils, chocolates, pastries, and more.  After class, came home, and tried to sleep.   I couldn't fall asleep.  I think it was because I had sugar-flavored yogurt, and toast with strawberry jelly for breakfast.  I don't know how much sugar that is, but I felt shaky throughout my first class.  Finally I fell asleep though. Slept for two hours, then sat around and did nothing.  I was too tired today.  I needed rest.  Went to my next class at 7.  Another really nice teacher.  She couldn't get her computer to work, so we didn't see the syllabus.  But we did have our first lecture about Flamenco.  It was somewhat interesting.  I'm not a huge fan of history, and dates and all that, but it's about dance so it makes it better.  Also, Kirsten, Michelle and Nicole are in my class, so that's nice.  After class, came home and had dinner.  Senora made me pizza with tuna, some salami type meet, cheese- really good.  And a salad.  I love the salad here its amazing.  It's so simple but it tastes so good.  We've been eating in her living room - I'm not sure why.  It's much better though because it's right next to the kitchen, and there's a heater under the table.  The other room has a heating lamp that she puts in front of me, but it doesn't do as much.  With the one under the table there's a blanket and a table cloth over the table, and you lift that up and put it over your legs, and the heater keeps you really warm.  Watched the news with senora for a bit, then wanted to sleep.  But again, tried for about an hour, but I can't sleep!  Frustrating.

Also, I don't know what made me think of it, but yesterday I looked up teaching abroad.  When I started at Framingham I remember at orientation they gave us information about teaching abroad after you graduated.  At the time I thought it sounded cool and would like to do it.  Well CIEE has a program here in Spain.  So I was researching it and found a program in Sevilla for 8 months.  I was thinking I'd love to do that.  Then I decided to look at Chile.  One of the girls in my teaching program studied abroad in Chile last semester and loved it.  The teaching abroad in Chile has a 4 month or an 8 month option.  I really think I would like to teach in Chile.  It's just a totally different place than Spain- more adventurous, with pretty landscapes and a simpler life style, as opposed to a city.  I absolutely love Sevilla, but it would be nice to try something different. Also, the Spanish they speak there is the Spanish I would teach in the US.  That's a huge deal because the Spanish I'm learning here is a bit different grammatically, which may get confusing.  I just feel like this would be such a great opportunity - if I don't get a job right when I graduate.  If I did, I probably should just take the job.  But once I have a job as a teacher that's it.  That's the rest of my life.  I want to travel and take advantage of these experiences while I can.  <<That's the site in case you want to check it out.  I know it's not for another year but I'm already excited about it.

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