viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012


Well today I woke up, ate breakfast. I had a fresh sub roll that was really good, toasted it, and put cream cheese on it.  Missed cream cheese soooo much it was sooo gooodd!! I also had kiwi, yogurt, and chocolate milk.  I went to a volunteer meeting.  Wasn't too informative but I did find out I can be a teacher's assistant! I'm so excited I hope I get it.  Should have an advantage as I'm in the teaching development program.  Also found out there are opportunities to volunteer that are once a week that you commit to, or one time events, such as an upcoming one where they are painting a gym.  I'm going to try and volunteer as much as possible to A. practice my spanish, and B. because I've always wanted to but I never really have.  Except one failed attempt this summer to serve food to kids at summer camp, but there were too many volunteers and not enough kids.  Anyways..then, to practice my spanish, I went shopping.  I made sure and only bought stuff on sale (except this realllly cute spring jacket I found, but it was worth it!).  Then I came back for lunch.  Senora had told me she wasn't going to be here, because her brother is sick and she was going to visit him.  However, she was sick today, so she was still here.  She had left me some chicken drums and potatoes- it was soooo gooood! Like usual.  Then I went out with Michelle.  We got frozen yogurt and planned our trips- first one we booked was Paris.  Not to sound snobby, but I'm not all that excited because I've been there before and it wasn't that impressive.  I am excited to have planned a trip though.  We're going to book two more tomorrow, during the weeks we have off, and I'm planning a trip to Barcelona with my friend Sarah.  Other than that I'll just go on the excursions that CIEE offers as part of our program.  After this we had class.  Boring as usual.  I had to speak about an experience I had in Spain. So I talked about my trip to the Plaza de Espana. My teacher said I did very well! I also got an essay back.. got an 80 on it, which is supposed to be pretty good here.  Doing well so far!

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