sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012


Today was the trip to Italica, some Roman ruins about 15 minutes from Sevilla.  We were meeting at 10, so I set two alarms- one for 8:58, and the other for 9.  When the first went off I shut it off, knowing I had a second one.  Well, apparently the second was for 9pm.  I woke up at 9:56, and had to meet everyone a 15 minute walk away.  I almost didn't even bother, but I got dressed really quick and bolted.  Grabbed a cab in front of my house, and made it there by 10:05.  I'm so glad I made it because it was awesome! So Italica was a city that the Romans built in 205 BC.  When the Muslims took over the city was eventually abandoned, in the 12th century.  The first thing we saw was an amphitheater.  It was so cool - like a mini version of Rome! (which I will most likely be seeing in April!).  Only part of the walls are intact, and some of the hallways were too.  Then we walked around and saw some houses.  There were only floors and some columns - but it was interesting to see the floors.  They were all mosaics with different designs. I put pictures on Facebook.  After Italic I went to the park because it was nice out.  It's five minutes from my house, and really pretty with fountains, palm trees, and orange trees everywhere.  I read Spanish Cosmo and just kind of people watched.  A lot of dogs and a lot of little kids.  I love hearing little kids speak Spanish it's so cute!  Then I came back, got my laundry from the roof, and hung there for a bit because it was still sunny.  Then I came down and got a package from my Mom (thanks Mom!!!!).  She sent me some cookies, Valentine's day candy, a box of chocolates- one for me and one for senora, some socks, and a necklace with a palm tree on it.  So nice to have Spitzbubens :)  I then went to meet Kirsten and we got frozen yogurt.  And we ended up shopping.  The clothes here are just so cute and the stores are little and are having crazy sales right now.. I just can't help it.  I stopped and bought a book on the way home too - something about a girl living in a city figuring her life out.

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