viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012


            Yesterday wasn't very eventful.  I woke up around 12:30, stayed in bed til 1 being lazy.  I ate lunch, drank some wine, and watched My Name is Earl in Spanish.  I found a pretty good channel that has shows like Two and a Half Men, the Big Bang Theory, and similar Spanish shows (all in Spanish though).  They also have the Simpsons, the Cleveland Show, and American Dad... but NO Family Guy!!!!!!! What kind of place is this?!?!?! Ridiculous.  But anyways, watching these shows in Spanish is great because first, they're dubbed so it's clearer than if they were actually speaking Spanish, and I know the characters, for the most part, and the context so it's easier to understand as well. After this I met up with Kirsten and Michelle before class.  We got frozen yogurt.  I discovered a place like five minutes from my apartment.. so pumped! Then had class.  After I came back for dinner.  So senoras still sick.  She has a nasty, nasty cough, and a fever and what not.  So I came home and she told me there was soup on the stove and I could make a sandwich.  Then she told me to come into her living room (there are two living rooms - one where we always eat and watch TV, and another next to her bedroom where she and her boyfriend hang out and watch TV, and I never go in).  So I put my food down and she moves it next to her.  Mind you, she's been in this room all week while shes been sick.  So while we're eating she was telling me how her neighbor made the soup since senoras sick.  She said that when the neighbor brought it over she had no voice- because she's sick too! Great.  So it's basically inevitable that I'm going to get sick as well.  I've been taking Zicam and airborne so hopefully it won't happen!  Anyways, for dinner I had verdura, which is a soup with a bunch of veggies, and there was some beef in it.  I had half a sandwich with cream cheese and salami.  Then I met up with Sarah and Nicole.  We walked across the river (pretty far- about 20 mins) to a bar called Long Island, because they have free sangria til 1.  So we got some free sangria.  The bar was mostly Americans, which is a waste of time, because they're obnoxious.  Typical, stupid, drunken Americans- not gonna help my Spanish.  When we were about to leave we met a group of Spaniards that were really nice.  Talked to them for a bit.  One was from Argentina and we talked about how different the Spanish here is, and how annoying it is!  After we left this bar we went to get churros.  They were so good, but I always feel like death after I eat them.  I should probably stop.  Then we took a cab to la Plaza de Alfalfa, which is a little over 5 minutes from my house.  We went into one bar there - ran into the Spaniards we had met earlier.  We only stayed about 5 minutes - didn't even get anything to drink.  The bar we went into was full of weird drunk people, and we were tired.
          Also yesterday I got my final schedule.  When I got it, all of the classes were correct, except for my cooking class, which I sort of expected would fill up quickly.  Instead I got put into the culture of gastronomy.  I was pissed! WTF is gastronomy?! So I googled it, and it means the art of good cooking.  So I was like, okay, fine, they at least put me in a class about food.  Then, I realized that I signed up for "Culture and Cuisine in Spain"-- the one they put me in is the Spanish name for it.  So I got all the classes I wanted!  I also found out about the volunteering.  It's Monday -  Thursday at 4, and it's helping 3-5 year olds with extracurricular activities.  I haven't found out about the teaching assistant thing yet, but if it will fit in my schedule, I would like to do that as well.
Today I met up with my intercambio at 3:30.  We went to a cafe.  I got a hot chocolate frappe thing that was really good.  My intercambio has helped me a lot.  It's such good practice talking with someone who will correct me and explain things to me.  We hung out there til I had class at 6.  That's 2 1/2 hours of constant Spanish speaking! Then went right to class, took my test- think I aced it!  I came home and realized that I forgot to turn in my essay!! Uh oh. I e-mailed it to my teacher so I'm hoping that's fine :/
        Senoras still sick and some of my friends were going out for tapas, so I opted out of dinner here.  Instead we went to a bar in Alfalfa that we went to the other night.  The people who work their are so nice and there are usually all Spaniards.  I got tapas - had goat cheese on bread with marmalade, pork w. a sweet wine sauce, and potatoes fritas with alioli.  All really good.  I didn't drink because I AM in fact getting sick.  UGH SENORA!!!!!  She did say that if I were sick she'd take care of me.  But STILL.  This sucks.  Anyways.. we hung out there for a bit, then went to another bar.  We met some Spaniards on the way.  They were probably the best we've met so far.  There were a few times I made errors and they actually corrected me -which is rare.  They said I speak very well.  Everyone keeps saying that but I don't know I swear they're just being nice!!  

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