jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012


Today I had my second day of teaching.  Took the bus - this time I managed to get there without getting lost.  There were some new kids there today.  A lot of them are sick - runny noses, coughing - so a lot were missing everyday (today 10 were out- there are 27 total).  So they did the whole come in from recess and sit with their heads down.  Then after a few minutes they dance around and say "Good morning!".  Right when I got there a little girl named Blanca came up and hugged me.  It's so cute.. they'll just run right at you and hug you around the legs, since they're so little.  So they went through a similar routine as yesterday.. the English monkey comes out and sings with them, then they sit on the ground and the teacher has a helped and they describe the weather (sunny, cloudy) and hang it on the wall, the date, day, etc, all in English.  It's impressive how much they understand.  The teacher, Elena, talks in English the whole time.  They practiced the fish and frog vocab, and she had each kid come up and she'd ask them to pick the card, the four were laid out on the ground, that was "jump" or "fish", etc.  Then she would have them close their eyes and she'd take a card away and ask which one was missing.  It was surprising how well the knew the vocab.  Then the kids went to their tables to color a fish with crayons.  The teacher asked what color the fish was.  They all replied "naranja", but after she told them to say it in English, they'd say orange.  She had a few of them go around the room and point to something orange.  So Blanca had been holding my hand the whole time, and she wanted me to sit next to her.  But then Alicia, Coral, and another girl decided they wanted me to sit next to them.  "Ponte a mi lado!" (Literal translation: "put yourself at my side!") And they were quite demanding.  I kept moving around and then another one would ask me to sit next to them.  They started a chant and were banging their fists on the table.  Blanca was just sitting there, watching and smiling.  So I asked her what I should do.  And she calmly said to them "Ella no puede sentarse a todos vos lados.... Ya esta. Acabo"  I couldn't understand all of it, but she told them that I can't sit next to all of them...(something else).. That's it. Over.  All in a sweet little voice.  She's very intelligent for a three year old.  She had pigtails in today and one kept falling out so she'd run up to me and I'd have to fix it.  She's adorable.  I learned all of the kids names, for the most part.  It's pretty easy because they're all very different.  One girl, Reyes, is always miserable.  Sometimes she'll smile but she won't participate in the activities and she lays on the floor a lot.  Today she got dragged out by her feet and Elena was saying "Everyone say bye to Reyes!".  I don't know where she went, but she didn't return.  So after they colored their fish, they went out to the playground again.  The other class of three year olds were out there too.  The kids were running around.  Then the teacher told them to show me "the Monkey Song".  So they sang and danced to "5 little monkeys jumping on the bed". So cute!  The teacher of the other three year old class, who is a temp, was talking to me.  Her English is pretty poor.  She and Elena were saying how badly they want to go to the US - to Boston, New York.  Then they were talking and the other teacher, whose name I forget, asked if we could hang out so she could practice English and I can practice Spanish.  She said she lives close by and I can go with some friends to hang out with her and my teacher.  Hopefully I can find time for this, because I packed my schedule pretty tight.  But this would be perfect.  It's hard to meet Spanish people - especially girls.  Plus they're teachers so they can give me advice and stuff (they're young - maybe mid to late 20s).  During recess I witnessed a lot of crying.  After we went inside and they got ready to leave.  They sat on the floor and Elena had me put police stickers on all of the kids (the police visited the school today).

Gonna finish this later..

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