viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012


Today I woke up and went to the flamenco museum with my class. We got there, listened to some guy talk about flamenco and the traditions and stuff. Then we walked around. It was actually kind of cool. The first floor had a bunch of paintings, which usually bores me, but the styles of the paintings were really interesting. Most of them were part collages part painting. I actually liked it. The second floor was all interactive. There were life size projections of flamenco dancing, showcases of clothing, and interactive computers with info and stuff. Museums still bore me but this was definitely one of the more interesting that I've been too. After this I went back to Ciee with Sarah and Nicole and we planned a trip for our first week of vacation. We're not going to book it just yet, but the plan is Dublin, London, and Brussels.  It's like 200 euros to fly to all those places in total.  It cost me almost $1000 to fly to Spain from the US. Crazy!  I also booked a flight to Barcelona.. Even though it's in Spain it's 9 hours away in a bus so I had to book a flight. I'm going with Sarah and were going to meet up with my friend Sam- he's studying in Barcelona.  After this I came home, ate some left over chicken and rice, and took a nap.  Slept later than I had planned, probably about 2 hours.  I needed it though.  Did some homework, went to class.  Came back, ate a sandwich for dinner (senoras still sick), and yup that was my day.  Not very exciting.

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