martes, 21 de febrero de 2012


So I've gotten asked why Reyes got dragged out of the classroom, and by who.  She got dragged out by her feet by the teacher near the end of the day.  Not even dragged out in an angry way, she was just misbehaving all class..not doing anything wrong just not being obedient.  The schooling system, from what Ive seen, is very different here.  I was telling my Mom about it and she said in MA there's a law that in preschool there must be 1 teacher for every 7 students.  The teacher I work with has 27! Crazy! Its a mad house.  I'll see my teacher grab kids and yank them up of the ground, or kinda push them into a seat.  It's not even in a mean way, the teacher is very nice.  I think it's just how it is.  She's also very loving she gives them kisses and stuff.  I don't know, it's just odd.
So today I woke up and went to teaching.  Got there a few minutes early.  When you get there there are huge fences that surround the playground in front of the building.  So I was walking by and I heard someone yelling "Senora senora por favor!"  So I turned around and looked and some kid had his head popped over the top and he was yelling to me "Senora por favor.. la pelota está en el jardín".  So his ball had gone over the fence and into a little garden.  He wanted me to throw it to him.  Being the little girl that I am, it took me two tries.  Im gonna chalk that up as a win because its actually better than I had expected.  Anyways so I was walking in and I heard Elena, my teacher, yelling my name.  She was outside of the fence smoking a cigarette and motioned for me to come over.  We talked a bit, she offered me a cigarette (something else different here, I cant imagine smoking at school with my mentoring teacher), and asked me what days I could hang out with her this week.  So we have plans to meet at a bar Friday to practice English and Spanish.  I don't know if it will be just her and I or if the other teacher will be there too.  When I was leaving the teacher of the 5 year olds asked me when we were going to meet up so maybe they'll both be there.  Either way I'm glad I have people to practice with!  So when I first got there the kids were still out at recess.  It's all the 3 and 5 year olds - four classes total.  I got there and some of the little kids will giggle and say "Holaaaa" or the older ones will say "Helllllo".  Some of the little girls came up and hugged me.  Some little boys kept saying hola and giggling, and running away then they'd come back and do it again..about 100 times.  Then, my "novio", Sergio, from the volunteering I do ran over with a friend.  He jumped on me and then laid down and wrapped his legs around mine and said I was not leaving him this time.  Then his friend was trying to go through my purse yelling "MOVIL MOVIL!!"  Sergio had seen my phone in my back pocket yesterday and was trying to get it, and apparently he was still after it.  Kid is crazy.  It took like 5 teachers yelling at him to stop for him to finally let go of me.  So we went inside..the class was pretty similar to every other day.  They put there heads down after recess-today listening to Whitneys "I Will Always Love You" which kind of surprised me. They did the whole flashcard review with the frog and fish, played with English monkey, then had activity time.  Today one group got to play dress up which was really cute.  During this time each table has a different activity.  The teacher is at her desk doing stuff, and I go around from table to table talking to the kids and playing with them.  I mostly play with them, but today I was really trying to speak more English to them because, well, thats my job.  Its just so hard because Blanca, who is my favorite because she is so adorable, always grabs my hand and asks me to come play at her table.  How can I say no!? She has cute little pigtails!! But anyways I walked around would ask them what color something was.  They always understood my English, but sometimes they'd answer me in Spanish.  They did well for the most part.  This poor little boy Maxine who is normally really sweet was miserable today.  He has blonde hair, a round chubby face, and big blue eyes .. so cute! But today he was pouty and didnt want to do anything.  He was following me around from station to station just looking sad.  I kept asking him to help me or asking if he wanted to do something and he kept saying no and wining.  I felt so bad.  I got him to help me with a puzzle but that was about it.  At one point he was sitting on one of my legs, and then Alicia came over and sat on my other leg.  I feel more like another kid than their teacher but whatever they're so cute I just can't tell them they can't climb all over me.  I feel like someones always holding my hand or giving me hugs.  I'm glad I'm with the younger class they're a lot sweeter.. not like the crazy 5 year olds.  After this they got ready to leave.  The teacher went over to Maxine and felt his forehead.  Guess he felt really warm - my bad for not noticing.  She took his temperature and turns out the poor little kid was sick!!! Aww!! All of them are sick.  Constant coughing and runny noses.  
After school came home and had lunch.  I had some potato salad-type dish.  Its potatoes, tomatoes, onions, tuna, hard boiled egg, a little fish, a little lettuce, and oil and vinegar. Soooooo gooood!!! I need to have señora write down her recipes before I leave!  She also made me spaghetti with a creamy sauce.  I went on the roof and worked on my presentation - its so nice up there.  Then had class.  I did my presentation with Kirsten on how to teach Spanish using the communication-focused method.  I actually enjoy presenting now especially in Spanish.  After that I had my teaching development class.  The whole time the teacher went over how to teach english grammar.  I'm really mad at myself for not choosing to teach high school.  It was really stupid.  Teaching little kids is fun but its not beneficial.  And when my teacher comes to observe, how is that going to work? We´re supposed to make lesson plans and stuff.. but their day is always the same.  Like what happens when they do activities like coloring? They do that stuff everyday I can't change that.  And I want to actually be teaching.  The kids are sooo cute I love them but I shouldn't have picked 3 year olds just for that reason.  The only benefit I see to this, besides that I love working with the little kids, is that they only speak Spanish. The teacher speaks English, but the kids don't.  I feel like with the older kids they only speak English.  Whatever I guess we´ll see.
Yesterday wasn't every eventful.  Had cooking class in the morning.  Then hung out at home for a bit, napped on the roof.  Went to arts and crafts.  The little kids were making Indian head thingys with feathers.  I got attacked by Sergio.  He literally wouldnt let go of me.  If I walked away he´d run over and say "No te vayas! No te vayasss", which means dont go.  Hes an odd kid.

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