lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012


Well the inevitable happened and I'm finally sick.  Everyone here is sick! My students, classmates, senora.  I knew it was gonna happen.  And then, if you remember, last Tuesday the cute little boy with the big blue eyes was following me around while he had a fever.  Two days later I have a fever.  Coincidence?  I don't think so!  I don't know how teachers stay healthy.  Well anyways, Thursday I woke up with a little tickle in my throat and  I just knew.  I went to the school for my teaching.  Elena told me she couldn't meet up Friday because she forgot that it's Andalucia week - or something like that.  I know we don't have class Tuesday for some Andalucian holiday but I don't know the details.  Anyways it wasn't a very eventful day.  One Thursdays the kids go out for recess a half hour, out of the two hours that I'm there.  It's kind of a waste of time for me but I get a chance to talk to the other teachers while they're out there and practice my Spanish.  It's nice they'll point to something or reference something and ask me how to say it in English - and then I'll ask them how to say it in Spanish.  Just at recess the other day I learned..
"lasso" = bow
"coleta"= ponytail
"cojer" = to catch (as in playing tag at recess)
It's definitely helpful.  So I was feeling okay, came home, and took a nap.  Well when I woke up I felt worse.  By my second class at 8, I felt horrible.  I saw there bundled up with chills the whole time looking pretty pathetic.  Told senora I was sick when I got home so she made me some soup and gave me some medicine to help with my fever.  Relaxed the rest of the night.  Friday I felt horrible.  I stayed in bed all day.  Senora took good care of me.  Made me soup.  The next day I wasn't feeling better so senora and her boyfriend brought me to the doctors.  Thankfully he has a car so I didn't have to walk.  Senora held my arm the whole time we were walking and they waited with me at the doctors - for almost two hours!  Then when I went in senora came in and helped me.. because I learned the "sick" vocab (chills, fever, cough, etc) freshman year of high school and I don't remember all of it.  I got prescribed an antibiotic.  Laid in bed until Tuesday when I finally ventured out to the plaza de espana and to get frozen yogurt with Kirsten.

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