jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012


Before I finish my posts about Morocco, I'm going to write about this past week so I don't forget it all.

Tuesday evening had my methodology class and teaching development class.  In the teaching class Nicole, Holly and I did our presentations.  We presented our lesson plan in Spanish, and then acted out the actual class.  We made everyone sit on the floor, or in the "English corner" like we do with the little kids.  Nicole read a story - very enthusiastically.  I've learned a lot from being in a group with her because she's very good with kids.  She wants to be a preschool teacher.  The I presented the vocab words from the story - Easter eggs, basket, bunny, and sick (the bunny gets sick in the story).  I went over them a few times with the kids, and then laid them out on the floor and asked a few students to come up and hand me whichever I asked for.  When they gave me the correct one I asked them for a high five, just like with the little kids.  Then I played another game where I laid out all the cards and the kids had to repeat them all in order, Easter eggs, basket, bunny, sick.  Then they'd close their eyes and I'd take one away.  They'd have to repeat all four words again, including the one that I took away.  Apparently this is good practice because it forces them to recall the word without seeing it.  Then Holly went and played another game with them.  It seemed to go very well but it's hard to say.  The two presentations from the week before I had thought went well got picked apart in class today.  The whole time we present someone video tapes and we watch and critique them in class.  The same goes for our actual teaching.  In a few weeks Luis will come tape our class and then in our weekly one-on-one meeting with him we'll watch and critique ourselves.  I'm really learning a lot in this class.  After class I went out with Kimby, Sarah, Nicole, and three guys from their soccer team.  One is from Spain, one from Germany, and one from Wisconsin.  I talked a lot with the kid from Germany about travelling and about how mad I am I'm not going to Germany.  Still don't know how that happened because that was the number one country I wanted to see!  I also told him that I love him, because that's the only thing I know how to say (thanks Mom).  I will learn German one day though! Yesterday I had my cooking class in the morning.  Did nothing all day.  Except nap a little bit.  I was so tired.  Had my flamenco class and it was really boring.  But I did get my midterm back.  This was the hardest test, the one I thought I did the worst on.  I got an 89!  Today I went to volunteer at the high school in the morning.  Sat around for an hour because there was some confusion with where I was going.  Again.  Luckily I brought my homework and got most of one of my essays done.  One 3ish more to go!  Then I went to teaching at 12.  I got there and was greeted by that little boy whose name I don't know again.  He jumped on me and wanted me to pick him up, so I did.  He squeezed me so hard with his faced pressed again mine, I couldn't move.  I'm not really sure what to do in a situation like that because I couldn't really get him off of me.  I finally was able to put him down but he continued hugging my leg.  Then the usual 5 year old girls came up and hugged me.  It's really weird they just huddle around my legs and just don't move.  A little while later I saw the little boy hugging and giving kisses to another little boy.  The kids here are really different.  When it was time to go in from recess, Coral grabbed my hand again.  Then Paula grabbed my other hand, and she and Ana got into a shoving match because they both wanted to hold my hand.  Again, I never know what to do in this situation because I probably should make them get in line to walk in from recess but they're so cute!! Did the usual, quiet time and stickers.  Today I made sure no one got to pick their stickers.  Then I sang the "Good Morning" song and the "Hello Monkey" song and they all kissed the monkey.  Some of them grabbed him and wouldn't let go, namely Coral.  Alicia was my helper today.  She was a lot more responsive than Maksim.  I reviewed the vocab a little.  Then played the vocab game with them quickly, just had a few of them come up and give monkey whatever he asked for.  Then while they were still in the English corner, I told them they'd be making headbands.  I made one quickly in front of them: colored a star in crayon, cut it out, then stapled it on to some construction paper, and wore it on my head.  They were all in amazement.   They were overly excited about it.  They started a chant, saying "Que divertido! Que divertido!" (How fun! How fun!).  They colored in their stars and cut them out.  When they brought them up to me I would ask them "What color do you want, red or purple?"  I made them respond in English, then stapled them on their heads.  They loved the activity, it took a good amount of time, and everyone behaved!  Even when they finished and did whatever they wanted they weren't as crazy as usual.  Then they went out to recess. After recess I read them a few stories.  I wasn't prepared for this so the stories were in Spanish, which is a little embarrassing.  My Spanish is good in a class full of Americans.  But reading a story to little kids I'm just wondering what they think of my accent.  Because they're too young to understand that I'm a foreigner.  Whatever, they already have read each story a hundred times.  I threw in some English too, asking what color things were and stuff.  Overall it was a very successful class.  I was walking home, almost there, and I noticed my vision was kind of weird.  Turned out to be a migraine and by the time I got home part of my vision was blurred.  Luckily I had been close to home, so I took some Advil and slept for almost two hours. Oh and when I got there I had a package on my bed!  Oatmeal raisin cookies, facewash, and airborne!  The cookies are delicious and the airborne is much needed.  Thanks Dad and Lany!! By the time I woke up the blurriness was gone, but my neck was really sore.  I didn't feel 100% but I ate lunch and then went to class.  Had methodology in which we learned about phonetics of different languages. I love this class, it's so interesting.  We debated the importance of pronunciation when teaching a language.  I think it's important but it shouldn't be the number one focus.  It's more important that the students talk and are learning vocabulary.  Got back out midterms.. got a 95! Then had my teaching class.  We critiqued two of the groups midterms.  My head ache is gone now but my upper back and neck are killing.  I need a chiropractor!!!!

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