martes, 20 de marzo de 2012


So I've been realllly busy lately.  First I had midterms, which required a tonnn of studying.  Then I went to Morocco this weekend.  Left at 6am on Friday and didn't get back til 1030pm Sunday.  We were up early everyday and the weekend was packed.  I wrote in my journal already so I'm going to write a blog entry about it when I have time.  But as of right now I have a presentation today, 10 2-4 page essays due Thursday, and today was my first day of teaching, so I had to work on the lesson plan.  I'm going to write about my day teaching now though because my memory is horrible..

Yesterday I had cooking class in the morning.  Came back and starting working on my essays, then met up with Nicole and Holly to work on our presentation.  We have to present our lesson plan to our teaching development class and then do a 20 minute lesson.  We decided to do an Easter lesson.  We're going to read a book, then play some games using 5 vocab words from the book.  After that I had class.  Found out the teacher wasn't going to be there so I skipped it to continue working on my essays.  Got 4 done which is pretty good.  Came home and had dinner.  Tuna sandwich with some veggies - really good.  Senora made me two.  While we were eating something came up about Luis, senoras boyfriend.  I asked what happened and she was saying she was annoyed.  Apparently he was just overbearing and it was too much for her to handle.  She wants to enjoy the next few years while she's still young (apparently she's almost 60.  My calculations were off) to travel and stuff.  She has family in Germany, and her niece is studying in England, so she wants to go visit them.  But she was saying how Luis can't go and he's never happy for her, he just gets jealous.  So she was saying if he doesn't change then he doesn't really love and and she'll move on.  Either way it doesn't seem like she cares much.  She was saying she just needs some time to be single and worry about herself.  So that's the deal with senora.  Anyways, yesterday I got an e-mail in the morning, which I didn't see til 9pm.  It told me I was going to volunteer at a high school tomorrow (today) at 10am.  Funny because I went to the meeting about volunteering in February.  I hadn't heard from the lady in charge, so I figured they didn't need me.  Then the TDP director e-mailed me last week and told me my placement, and asked if I was still interested.  I told her how busy I was and that if it were close by and I could find the time to do it, I would, but I needed to think about it.  Well apparently they took that as a yes.  I was going to say no, but I googled the address of the school, and it turns out it's 6 minutes from where I live.  It's also 3 minutes to the bus station where I would catch the bus to go to my teaching.  So I woke up this morning and went to the school where I'll be volunteering.  I filled out some paper work and sat in the teacher's lounge for a half hour, waiting for the director.  She met me quickly and told me she'd e-mail me the plan.  I ran home quickly since I had about a half hour before I needed to go to teaching.  I finished up one of my essays, and went to my first day of teaching.  Got there and the kids were at recess as usual.  There's this one little boy, I think he told me today that he's four, that always come up as soon as I get there and greets me.  He stands there waving at me for a minutes, then he just hugs me and won't let go for like 5 minutes.  He never talks, so I didn't know if there was something wrong with him.  Plus it's always the little girls that come up and hug me.  But anyways, today he asked me what was on my hand.  What is on my hand? Well.. when I was in Morocco I felt that it was important to experience the culture.  I ate the food, attended class, bought some cool earring.  So when I saw an old lady doing henna on the street for 2 euro, I thought it was a good idea.  Oops.  A few girls in my group got it done, and it looked pretty.  Just a bunch of flowers on their hand.  Well my lady was horrible.  She just globbed on a bunch of black ink, making think, dark flowers.  It starts at the top of my pointer finger, goes all the way done the top of my hand, and up my wrist and onto the beginning of my arm.  She also made little designs on my thumbs and other fingers.  As if this weren't bad enough, when I was sleeping it smudged onto the palm of my other hand.  I scrubbed it a lot, and it faded a little bit.  So anyways, the little boy can talk.  He motioned for me to pick him up, so I did, and he wouldn't let go.  Then five little girls ran over to me and hugged me.  They were all just huddled around me, while I was holding this little boy.  I couldn't move. I was able to put him down, but the little girls stayed huddled around me.  Then I feel someone sticking there hands in my back pocket.  Sergio!  He's such a little trouble maker.  Even though I haven't really seen him in weeks, he remembered that I had my cellphone in my back pocket one time.  He also tried to fight me.  He's  seriously crazy.  On the way in from recess Coral came up and hugged me.  She's such a little brat but when she's cute she's adorable.  She grabbed my hand while we walked back into the class.  I told them all to sit down and put their heads on the table.  I then went around and gave them stickers.  Of course Coral always wants to pick her own sticker, and since she was being cute today and actually behaved, I let her.  I know I shouldn't give in to her because she'll just think she can always get her way.  But I didn't feel like dealing with her crying.  Then of course all of the kids wanted to pick their stickers.  Whatever.  They were at least somewhat quiet today.  Except Reyes, who was misbehaving and laying under the table.  She got taken outside and yelled at.  I opened the shades and sang the "Good Morning" song with the English monkey.  Maksim was my helper today.  I asked him how he was and to go to the window and tell me what the weather was like.  Then I asked the class what month it was but they had some trouble with March.  Also had to ask them the day and the season, which I messed up, because I didn't know today was the first day of spring.  I reviewed their vocab words with them - juice, ice cream, grapes, and cake (party food).  Then I played a game with them where they had to bring monkey the food item I asked for.  Then I had them color a worksheet with each of the four words.  I told them to make the grapes green and the rest whatever they wanted.  Most of them did what they were supposed to.  When they were done I wrote on them "GREEN GRAPES" "EXCELLENT!".  Then the teacher took over because they kids needed to practice a dance they are doing for some show.  She had half the kids line up.  Six girls on one side, six boys across from them.  They began dancing to "You're the One that I Want" for Grease!  Cutest thing I've ever seen!  It starts off with the boys combing back their hair, then they throw their little fleece jackets, and fall on their knees in front of the girls. Then the girls stand there with their hands on their hips with attitude, and the throw down paper flowers and step on them.  Then the boys dance with the girls.  It's adorrrrrable! The other half of the class does some Spanish dance kind of similar to the Hokey-Pokey.  After this I sent them off to their centers.  It went relatively smoothly.  One girl cut some of her hair, another girl cried.  But that's nothing compared to the normal chaos.  When it was almost time to leave Blanca jumped up on me and said "Teacher Danielle te quiero (I love you!)" and gave me a kiss on the cheek.  She is seriously the cutest little girl ever.  The little Spanish kids are so loving.  I'm really glad I picked little kids.  They're lesson plans are easier and I'm not nervous to teach them.  When I was going to the high school today I was nervous.  High school kids are judgmental and probably know more about English than I do since a lot of the grammar I learned naturally.  I just got an e-mail from the lady I met with this morning saying that I will be going to the higschool Tuesdays and Thursdays 830-1030 to help the teacher's make their lesson plans.  While that means I'm going to be extremely busy, it will be really good practicing helping to create lesson plans.

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