viernes, 27 de enero de 2012


I haven't written for the past few days... let me think.  Umm..

Well  it's basically the same old same old now that I've gotten into a routine with class and everything.  Which I like.  Wednesday I hung out with Kirsten and Michelle before class.  Class is hard!  First of all we are learning things that I have never learned.. which seems weird.  Because they're not hard subjects, I was just never taught them (along with some other kids in my class).  Also, because they teach things differently here.  In America, we learn Latin American Spanish, and obviously here, they speak Spain Spanish.  There have already been two instances where I've used a word that my professor my FSU uses, and my teacher here says it doesn't exist.  Well I looked them up and yes, they do exist.  Annoying.  Also, some of the grammar rules are different.  As if grammar isn't hard enough.  Then, add in the fact that the teacher speaks to us in the form of vosotros  (you all- informal), which is a form that they omit in most schools in America.  Then, on top of allllll of these things, the accent here is so weird.  They talk with a lisp.  Gracias = grathiuth.  And even worse, I'm starting to pick the accent up.  Luckily I finished my first week.  The class hasn't been too bad.  I'm just always so exhausted.  Having it from 6-9 is rough.  I had a midterm today, think I did okay.
So anyways.. back to Wednesday.  After class I came back and had dinner.  It was tuna salad in a taco shell.  Pretty good.  I think this tuna was different than the tuna I had been having here before.  It tasted like tuna from home, and I saw it had come from a can.  I think I also had a salad.  After dinner I went to Santuario, a bar/discoteca here, to meet with my intercambio.
So.. the intercambio is a foreign exchange thing that CIEE does.  They pair you up, either in a group with Americans and Spanish kids (about 8 people total) or one on one. The Spanish person is learning English, and the American learning Spanish.  I picked one on one to make sure I would have someone to talk to and help with my Spanish.  So I got the e-mail Tuesday telling me who mine was.  I got a student named Sergio, who goes to the University of Sevilla.  So we had to send them e-mails inviting them to this party.  He said he would go, and asked how we would recognize each other, so I suggested he add me on Facebook.  So Kirsten, Michelle and I get to Santuario and it was packed.  It's not a big place to begin with, and there were a ton of students there.  It was funny just to walk around and see people awkwardly looking for their intercambios.  I found mine pretty quickly.  It was kinda awkward, just to walk up to him and be like "Uhhh.. are you Sergio?"  He was very nice though.  We talked for a while among our groups of friends.  We didn't stay very long, but it was a good ice breaker to meet him quickly at a party.
The next day I messaged him and we decided to meet up this Sunday afternoon.  We're supposed to hang out for two hours at least once a week and spend one hour speaking Spanish, one hour English.  I lucked out because he hardly speaks any English.  This way we'll spend most of the time speaking Spanish.  He  needs me to teach him English, so it'll be good practice.

Yesterday I met up with Michelle and Kirsten at the CIEE study center to begin planning our trips.  We planned one of our spring break trips to London, Brussels, and Paris.  We didn't book it yet, but the flights all together are only 320 euro.  Crazy cheap!  We also are planning to go to Rome, Barcelona, Madrid.. and  then decide between a few other countries.

Today I met up with Michelle and one of her friends.  We walked around, bought a ticket to the Super Bowl party here, and a ticket to Cadiz for carnivale.  Should be fun!  It's a day trip to Cadiz during what is basically a huge Halloween party.  The trip includes a bus ride there and back, food, drinks- only 20 euro.  Not bad.  After, I came back and had lunch with senora.  I've been comfortable here from day one, but I'm getting even more comfortable with her.  She had meet set the table now and shows me what she's cooking and how she does it.  It put's all the years of Spanish vocab to good use.  Today we had a vegetable stew kind of? It had artichoke, carrots, potatoes, beef.  Really good, as usual.  Also had a salad.  Drank some wine again.  She called me a drunk because apparently I drank too much- it's just so good here!  It's nice how people here watch TV while eating. I've already noticed I can understand the news a lot more than when I first got here.  After lunch I studied, had class.  After class ate dinner.  Had a ham and cheese sandwich and some pasta.  After dinner met up with Kimby, Nicole, Kirsten and Michelle and got churros con chocolate.  They were really greasy, but wicked good.  We dipped them in sugar than in chocolate.  Mmm.  Tomorrow the TDP (teaching development) group is going to Jerez. It's supposed to be really pretty!

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