viernes, 27 de enero de 2012


Yesterday I woke up around 1:30, and met up with Kirsten.  We walked around the city.  Got some frozen yogurt at a place called LlaoLlao.  It's basically PinkBerry but it was a little healthier.  I got frozen yogurt with M&Ms, caramel, and chocolate granola.  So gooodd.  Then we walked around some more.  We went to a part of the city that we had not been to yet.  We discovered a movie theater that plays American movies dubbed in Spanish.  We decided we're going to see that Adam Sandler movie Jack & Jill.  Not because it looks good but because it's a comedy that will be easy to follow even if we don't understand every word.  Then we came to a really cool skate park and playground.  There were cute little kids everywhere - I can't wait to start teaching them! Then we came to the river and found a nice path to walk along.  We passed a little playground and as we were walking by I was telling her how I need to check the playgrounds for seesaws since none of the playgrounds in the US have them anymore.  Then, all of a sudden, I see a SEESAW!!!!!!! SOOOO EXCITING! Lol Val and I had been on a mission to find a seesaw at a playground because I realized they don't exist anymore- mission accomplished.  I may have had to go to Spain but I finally found one! It was sort of a kiddie one so it wasn't as cool but still.  Then we walked along the path towards our houses.  Came home, hung out for a bit, then had dinner.  I had a sandwich which was basically all sub roll with a tiny piece of beef, some more empanada, and some ensalada, which is basically potato salad with tuna and fish in it.  It was all very good as usual.  Then I had sugar flavored yogurt for dessert.. it was good.  After I went to a bar called Texas Lonestar to watch the Pats.  I got a glass of tinte de verano which is red wine with lemonade Fanta.  It was so good.  Hung out and talked with Kimby, Josh, and Nicole, and a few kids from Tufts.  Other than us everyone else was a Ravens fan.  Didn't see much of the game because people were talking a lot, but I had fun. Came back and slept.  I over slept and didn't make it to el mirador.  When I woke up senora gave me more empanada and ensalada again, and chicken thighs, with carrots and potatoes.  All really good.  After lunch I met up with Kirsten and Michelle and went to el mirador.  The elevator was wicked cool, it was made of mirror and there were circles of white lights all around it.. look at the pics you'll see what I'm talking about.  The view was awesome - it's such a pretty city.  Went up there for about a half hour (only cost 1,20 euro).  Then we went to a candy store! They have some weird candy but most of it was pretty good.  Got some chocolate covered stuff.  Then we went to class.  Class was boring.  I was so tired, and we sat there and went over the syllabus and projects for the class.  Dumb.  The teacher and people in the class seem nice though.  Basically the class is grammar..3 hours everyday for 2 weeks.  Gross.  We get a 15 minute break, and I'll have wifi so it may not be so bad.  

Today I woke up and met up with Kirsten and Michelle.  We went to el museo de Bellas Artes because I had to go for my class as I need to write a brief essay about it.  I was exhausted and I get bored in museums.  We walked through quickly, it was okay.  Then we walked around, stopped at a cafe and got a massive pastry that looked like a Boston creme donut.  We shared it.. it was bomb.  Now I'm back home, in bed, because it's cold out today.  The suns not out :( Luckily that's rare here.

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