viernes, 27 de enero de 2012


Today I slept through my alarm again! Well I didn't exactly sleep through it.  That obnoxious thing is impossible to sleep through.  I did put both alarms (I had 2 set) one snooze a few times, and then shut them both off and fell back asleep.  Luckily I woke up at 9, and I didn't have to meet my friends til 945. Anyways.. I woke up, got ready.  Had some toast with strawberry jam and hot milk with cacao because I was exhausted.  I wish I could drink coffee, I needed it.  I met up with Kirsten and Michelle and went to el museo (this overlaps a little with my last entry).  Apparently there were certain paintings that I was supposed to go see, but I didn't think to look at the assignment before I left.  I don't think it really matters because the teacher is easy going and I still went.  All we have to do is write about our impressions and experience at the museum.  After I came back here and had lunch.  Senora ate with me today.  We had bean soup - white beans, some veggies, and a little piece of meat.  It wasn't my favorite thing  because I'm not a huge fan of beans, but I liked it.  She also fried some eggplant which was good, and I had some bread.  Also, we drank wine!  It was so good. It was red wine, called tinto de verano, and she added some bubbly water.  I loved it.  It was so fun having wine with senora she's awesome.  She showed me a photo album from when she was in her 30s.  Her daughter was like 2 and she pointed out her daughters father and said they're separated. I don't know if that means they're married and no longer together, or they were dating and aren't anymore.  Then I figured out shes about 65 or 70.  She's a lot of fun though.  We watched a show that is basically Entertainment Tonight in America - with all the celebrity gossip and stuff.  That's what she usually puts on at meal time.  After lunch I took a nap, then went to class.  Class was okay.  The teacher is very laid back and jokes around with the class a lot which makes it bearable.  It feels more like we're hanging out than being in class.. it's very casual.  After class I came back and had dinner.  Senora made me a ham and cheese sandwich and a salad that was wicked good.  It was just lettuce, mozarella type cheese- I don't know what it's called but its softer than mozzarella and sooo good.. tomato and corn.. and it had salt and oil on it.  Doesn't sound amazing but somehow it is.  Then I sat in the living room and watched tv for while.  I found a good channel where I can actually understand it and they don't talk to fast.  I watched the Simpsons and Modern Family in Spanish.  I'm doing everything I can to try and learn more Spanish!! It's not easy, even when I'm immersed in it.  

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