lunes, 30 de abril de 2012


Okay so this blog has been sitting in my drafts for a while....

First off, I cannot believe it's already April! I come home in 32 days.  So crazy.  The time really has flown by.  Secondly, my blog is very out of order.  I haven't written and a few weeks, nor have I finished blogging about Morocco.  But I'm saving that because there's a lot to write.  So for now here's what I have.

So the last week in March my Mom and  Mark came to visit.  It was awesome having them here because I got to do so many things that I haven't even done yet.  Their hotel was less than five minutes from  my apartment, on one of my favorite streets.  It's located in the center right off the main road and there are lots of cafes and pastry shops along it.  We got tapas for lunch and dinner everyday - and they were all sooo good.  I love senoras cooking but I needed a break from it and I got a chance to try more restaurants.  I always want to but it's hard because we all have senoras making free meals (well, what we already paid for).  We got tapas the first day then we walked around the city and I showed most of the important stuff.  There was a lot of stuff that  I didn't even know what it was.  I just kinda walk around the city doing my thing ignoring the history.  There's so much I still don't know.  Looks like I'll just have to move back.  We went up las cetas or "mushrooms" - that's not the real name but that's what they call them here.  They're those white honeycomb-looking things.  From there you get a view of the whole city.  We did a horse and buggy ride that night before dinner.  I love seeing the city at night it's so pretty.  This was my first experience translating.  The driver would explain to me what we were passing, in Spanish, and I'd have to translate it to English.  Translating is hard!  Especially with a bad memory because he would give me multiple sentences at a time.  The next day we rented a car and went to Carmona.  It was my first time in a car since I've left so it was cool.  Carmona was little but full of history.  I enjoyed it because Mom and Mark have the same touring style as me.  Walk around and look at stuff on your own and read about it.  It's cool to see but I don't need someone chewing my ear off stopping to explain every little boring detail.  I don't know. Sometimes tours are great, other times I just want to fall over and go to sleep.  My allergies were bothering me and I felt sick when we were leaving.  Slept on the ride home then got some tapas, which made me feel better.  Tapas cure everything.  So good.  It was raining a bit that day so we went shopping, which was very exciting for me.  They were very generous buying me clothes and waiting while I tried stuff on (there was a four item limit!! You can imagine how long that took me..)  The next day we woke up way too early and got a bus to Granada to tour la Alhambra.  I never would've thought when I was there in high school that I would have seen it three times in four years.  It was interesting.. the second time (the first time I was in high school I didn't care).  But it was pretty boring because I had just been there.  And the tour was three hours.  Afterwards we ate some lunch, and did some shopping.  The rest of the week I was really busy and exhausted from my classes.. it was right around mid terms and a ton of work was due.  Also only my second week of teaching so I was getting used to planning lessons.  Monday we went to some Arab baths. It was literally the coolest place I've ever been to.  We got massages first, then had use of the rooms for like and hour and a half or something.  There was one room - a gorgeous red room with pretty decorations and candles, filled with warm water.  Then when you walk through that, there's a really hot hot tub, and then next to that a freezing cold one.  Then there was a steam room with mint aroma to open up your pours I guess?  I don't know I loved it though. Then there was a jacuzzi room with a bunch of different water massages.  And at the end there's hot stone to lay on.  It was amazing.  Just what I needed.  That  night they came and met senora.  She invited them in for some wine and olives.  We chatted a bit.  It was fun translating.  Except senora would talk for about 5 minutes then expect me to translate the whole thing.  I summarized it. It was also hard sometimes and I would forget which language I was supposed to be speaking in.  I think it went pretty well though.  We went and got tapas that were really good.  The next night we went to dinner with my friends, which was a lot of fun. Wednesday we went on a boat ride around the river - something that I've never done.  The river here is so pretty, and afterwards we ate lunch along it.  All of the tapas here have been amazing.  That night we got churros with senora at, what she says, is the best place in town.  They were really good, but filling and fattening, and she kept insisting on ordering more.  After class that night we went to see a flamenco show with Kirsten and went out for tapas.  Then we went back to the hotel and traced a bunch of bunny ears for my lesson the next day.  I was teaching Easter.  I hadn't been sure what I was going to do.  I wanted to show them some Easter eggs, but they don't have them here in Spain.  It worked out perfectly because Mom brought me an Easter basket, filled with eggs.  When I got to school that day all of the kids were chanting "Easter Bunny!! Easter Bunny!!".  Then there were some, mostly the three year olds, that were chanting "Mister Bunny!! Mister Bunny!".  They don't have Easter here, but since it's a billingual school they learn about Easter, and the Easter bunny came to their classrooms.  Before they went and found their candy, they went to the patio and did their Grease Lightning dance.  Adorable!  Then they went to the classroom and found chocolate eggs on their desk.  The teacher said they could eat them, and all of a sudden she yelled "No! Don't eat that!"  Little Victor had found a clay Easter egg and was eating it.  Haha.  So I taught the kids some new vocabulary - Easter eggs and Easter bunny, and had them cut out and color bunny ears, which I made headbands out of.  They loved them and looked so cute with their ears!  Then I read them an Easter story, using my basket and Easter eggs as a prop, and handed out a jelly bean to each of them.  I think we did some more shopping, then after class I went out for Kimby's birthday.  Friday morning we woke up really early and went to Vienna.  It was freeeezing cold there. And rainy.  Drastic change from the warm weather in Sevilla.  We walked around and did some shopping, got some delicious Austrian food, and amazzinggg desserts.  We shared a chocolate covered cone with strawberry mousse and strawberries, and a cheese strudel.   Delicious.  The next day we had our own tour guide who brought us to the Hapsburg summer palace and a few other places.  The palace was really cool to see, and I learned a lot.  The food in Austria was really good as were the desserts.  Sunday we went on the oldest running roller coaster, and some haunted house ride.  While we were there, it snowed a little bit!!  Austria was cool but I definitely would enjoy it more in warmer weather.  From there we took a flight to London, they continued to America, and I stayed and met up with  my friends.  It was a lot of fun having them in Sevilla and showing them around.  I got to see a lot of the city that I hadn't even really seen before. Plus I gotta do a lot of shopping and eat a lot of delicious tapas :)

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