jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

Saying goodbye..

..is the worst thing ever.  I don´t wanna come home.  I don´t even know how I was excited.  This is horrible.  My room is packed up, I´ve said bye to my friends, and I just wanna cry.  I´m gonna miss living in a city and being independent.. although hopefully Val and I will be getting an apartment in the city.  But still.  It won´t be nearly as beautiful, and it will be cold.  I can´t believe it´s over.  Last night I saw my intercambio for the last time.  He wanted to walk around the river, and it was so weird we ended up at the Puente de Triana - the bridge where I spend my first night hanging out with the whole TDP group.  I remember we were saying how crazy it is that we were gonna live in this beautiful city for four months.  I remember wondering what it was gonna be like living here.  What my senora would be like, who I´d be friends with, where I´d be living.  Now I know.  It came and went so fast and I hate it.  I´m so grateful for the opportunity but it´s unreal.  It was the weirdest feeling being at that same spot again with a totally different mind set.  I didn´t write this past week because I´ve been so busy studying, but last Thursday I had my last class with the kids.  I can´t believe it was last Thursday!  This week flew.  Anyways, I hadn´t seen them for a while so when they came into the classroom I got a lot of hugs.  The class proceeded as usual, Victor was my helper.  I was grateful because he´s good at English.  He was able to tell me that it was rainy - and it never rains here, so I was surprised he knew the word.  Then I played the game where they give me the vocab word I ask for.  They were all yelling "Me! Me! Me! Me!".   Except something wasn´t right.  Blanca wasn´t there!  I didn´t even know who to call on!  Then I noticed she was there but she was sitting next to the teacher looking sad.  I figured she was sick.  So I played the fly swatter game with them, and then had them color in a bird and a rabbit.  Everything went really well and I have the videos of the lesson.  Blanca was really sad all class turns out because Ana had told them I was leaving!  Okay, well I don´t know that.  But she wasn´t sick and she always is right next to me the whole time.  So I´ll jump to that conclusion.  After the activity Ana asked me to close my eyes and had them give me a present.  They made me a book of pictures they scribbles and they made me a really cute bracelet!  I was so excited.  When it was time to leave they all gave me hugs and I got pictures with them.  Ana asked if I wanted one with me and Blanca.  Something I need to work on as a high school teacher - gotta make it less obvious who my favorite is.  The kids actually seemed to understand that I was leaving to go back home.  Jesus was asking me about it and I told him I had to go back home to my country.  He was like ohh so that´s far.  You needa take a bus, and a plane.  And a train ride.  Haha I´ll miss him.  It was really sad.  By the end of the class Blanca was okay again and told me she loved me and gave me some hugs.  So sad I´ll never see them again.  Maybe when I come back here to teach I´ll have some of them as students again!  Other than that I´ve been sooo busy with finals.  Luckily I feel like I did well on all of them.  I´ve been studying up on the roof to get some color before I come home.  Got burnt today - the sun here is so strong.  My Teaching Development teacher got in a motorcycle accident last weekend.  He was on the back of his friends motorcycle and a car hit them.  He broke his femur and has been in the hospital.  Really sad we didn´t get to say goodbye to him because he´s been great and has taught us so much.  It also messed things up because he didn´t make it to some peoples last class, which was our final.  Tonight after my last final TDP met up with Caro, our director, and had a coffee and said goodbye.  So sad she´s awesome.  Then after dinner - which senora didnt come home for AGAIN! .. Wont even get into that.. the TDP group met up on top of the setas.  Unfortunately I couldn´t drink because I kind of had a migraine earlier, because I was the one who suggested going there because the sangria is amazing.  Oh well.  I got froyo on the way instead =)  Well I have to go to sleep.. gotta be up at 6 for my ride to the airport :(

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