martes, 17 de abril de 2012


Today I got to the school and all of the little kids asked me “¿Tu profe viene hoy? ¿Dónde está tu profe?”.  They wanted to know where my teacher was and when he was coming.  Apparently Ana had told them to behave because my teacher was coming to observe.  Little Jesús is the cutest.  He kept looking for him and asking me where he was.  We went into class, they relaxed, and did the hello monkey song.  For some reason they´re not as enthusiastic about kissing the monkey anymore.  Maybe they´ve realized that monkey gets around and that´s how germs are spread!!! Santi was my helper and he is horrible at English.  He didn´t say anything.  I hung up four different colored flowers around the room and said “Run to the .. flower”.  They all loved it and they know their colors very well.  They were trampling on top of each other, but at least they were doing what I asked of them.  I knew my teacher was coming to observe today so I tried to line up the activities so that she saw the better ones.  Ana told me they had to do a work sheet where they color a rabbit and then glue cotton onto the tail.  I hate when they do worksheets because they run around the room recklessly after.  I did this right after because I didn´t want my teacher to be there for it.  But of course once I started, she came in to tape me.  (My actual teacher didn´t come because he has class, but the director of TDP came and taped me).  The little kids colored the rabbit, which took them a while, and then came up to me and I put glue on the tail and they put the cotton on.  What a horrible activity – such a mess.  Luckily the kids who finished first behaved well, which is really rare.  After they finished I tried to re-start the game where they run to the flowers, but they were not paying attention this time, of course.  Half were sitting down and wouldn´t move.  Then I played a game where they had to run around a table and hit either a blue or red flower on the wall.  They all loved this and did it well.  After they did centers- costumes, puzzles, cutting, drawing, or blocks.  I still never really know what to do during this time.  I read Alicia a book while Blanca combed my hair in her little Princess dress.  The costumes are so cute.  Santi dressed up like Spiderman and Jesus was dressed like a witch.  Haha they´re adorable.  I can´t believe I only have two more classes with them! So sad.  I´m gonna hate saying bye to them.  It´s crazy I only have three more of each of my real classes and then finals.  And in three days I go to Venice, Rome, Istanbul, and Brussels!  Then we have Monday and Tuesday off that week.  Not much time left here.  Kirsten and I are going tomorrow to buy tickets to a bullfight, hopefully for next Sunday, and we´re hoping to make it to a soccer game before we leave as well.  I have been getting out more and seeing more of the city.  I go for a three and a half mile run every night.  I pass the river right when the sun´s setting and it´s beautiful.  

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