martes, 10 de abril de 2012


Okay, I know I'm behind and some of you (Mom) are eager for me to catch up.  But for now here's my day today..

Woke up at 7:30 so I could go to the high school to volunteer.  I was going to shower the night before but senora told me I couldn't because her brother had patched it up and I couldn't use it til the morning.  Of course this was right after I went for a run.  But anyways, by the time I showered and got ready, I was going to be late.  The last two times I went to the high school I was on time and they kept me waiting around for an hour.  So this time I saw screw it and I went back to sleep.  Felt so good.  I set my alarm and tried to wake up for the second class, but I need my sleep!  So I got up and went to teaching.  I hadn't seen the kids since before Semana Santa, so I seemed to get more hugs than usual from all of the children.  Blanca's still my favorite though because she's always the one who yells "Teacher Danielle!", in her cute little Spanish accent, and runs up and hugs me.  Some of the others say teacher Danielle, but I'm partial to the pigtails since I used to wear them myself.  Anyways, everything was going great when little Marta came up to me and rubbed my belly.  Now, it's sometimes hard to understand what the little kids are saying, but I'm almost positive she said "Tienes un bebé?".  Okay, I won't lie, she did say that.  I'm just trying to make myself feel better because no, I don't have a baby in my belly! Here I am eating healthier and going running, thinking I'm skinnier, but apparently I look pregnant!  I told my friends because I knew they'd think it was hilarious because we joke about our food babies all the time.  Nicole, who has experience working in preschools, said that kids get confused a lot and maybe her mom is pregnant so she thinks other girls have babies in their bellies.  Sure, I'll go with that.  Coral came up to me and grabbed my hand and Blanca grabbed my other hand.  Then Alicia grabbed the same hand as Blanca, and they started fighting over it.  I tried to get them to get into line but they over power me.  They would not let go.  Especially Coral who begins to cry when I let go.  We got into class and they put their heads down as usual.  Marta, who is hilarious and really cute (but also called me fat) was the helper today, so she went around and made sure everyone was putting their head down.  Well I walked by her at one point and saw her shoving her classmates heads into the desks and going "Shhhh".  Haha she's cute so I just kinda turned the other way.  At least she was doing her job.  Then the usual sticker debacle ensued with Coral.  After everyone kissed the monkey and I put on a song called "Springtime" for them to dance and singalong to.  Well something happened between Paula and Reyes.  They were shoving each other and Paula started crying, and next thing I know Reyes is being dragged out and yelled at again.  So I played the song two more times to distract the other kids.  When it came time to ask what the weather was like, Marta said sunny, but the rest of the class struggled because they still don't understand that it's spring, and it was also their first time learning the month April.  I started off today by review the color flashcards.  They all shouted "bluuuuuuue!" "rrredddd!"..etc, very loudly.  They know their colors very well.  Then I had flower flashcards that I made, five of different colors.  I had them bring them up to me and give me five when they got it write.  They all love that.  They all sit there and yell "Me! Me! Me! Me!" because they want a turn.  And then there's little Blanca who says, in the sweetest little voice, "Teacher Danielle!! Teacher Danielle!!"  Today I tried not to call on her right away but she's too cute!  I can't help it.  I know who won't be getting called on though.  Little Marta.  No more.  You don't call the teacher fat and then get called on!! I had them color a flower after and it took up a decent amount of time which was nice.  I had them color the flower blue, the stem green, and the inside yellow.  Everyone's flower was colored correctly, with a few minor mistakes that had been fixed.  With the exception of two.  Alvaro never colors.  He'll draw a few scribbles then go stand by the computer and stare at it because it's playing music.  He's an odd child.  And Blanca.  She colored the center of her flower orange. I tried telling her multiple times, but she colored it orange anyways.  The teacher says she's really lazy when it comes to drawing.  Whenever they're coloring she brings hers up half done and never wants to finish it.  And when she did finish it she kept asking me to cut out hearts.  They have a cutting activity that they do sometimes where they just cut lines on paper and there's a sheet with a heart on it.  She kept asking me to get her scissors and grabbed my hand and pulled me to where they were.  She knows she's my favorite and it's getting tough.  So after they colored I had them color again.  Apparently there was some confusion with what Ana had sent me to do for class today and there was something in their book they needed to color.  So they colored two more flowers and then had to put stickers on them.  Bad idea giving them a sheet of stickers because the paper ended up all over the floor in little pieces, with the sticky background stuck allover me and Ana.  They kids kept running up to me and I caught on to what they were doing but Ana must not have.  When we were leaving I noticed little pieces of stickers all over her back.  They're little devils, seriously.  Afterwards I read a book, and surprisingly was able to keep their attention.  It was mostly in Spanish but whatever, they were behaving.  At the end of class Blanca looked really sad so I asked her what was wrong.  She hugged me and started crying.  It was so sad!!  Apparently Ana told her she wasn't getting a star today because she talked to much.  How mean!! How could she do that to Blanca?!  I let her sit on my lap and played with her hair so she'd stop crying.  But then Marta wanted some attention so she kind of started crying and sat on me too.  Oh no you don't!  Not after you called me fat Marta!  But she is cute so I played with her hair too.  She's not forgiven yet though!! After teaching had lunch with senora.  Potatoes and artichoke stew thing.. soo good.  And some gazpacho.  No bread though because senora and I are on a strict diet!  We'll see how it goes..

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